Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Medical Asepsis Essay Example

Medical Asepsis Paper Microorganisms are naturally present in the environment. Some are beneficial and some are not. Some are harmless to most people and others are detrimental to many persons. The efforts of many persons are involved in maintaining a microorganism-safe environment. But we cannot take away microorganisms in our environment and even within our body because they will always be a part of the ecosystem without them man cannot exist for they have their own important roles not only to our environment but especially within our body. Indigenous micro flora is what we call the microorganisms that are found almost in all parts of our body that does not cause harm; problems just arise when some of them become opportunistic when misplaced to any part of the anatomy of the body that they usually do not stay. Health personnel like nurses are one of the persons responsible for the regulations for the control of certain communicable diseases, such as tuberculosis, hepatitis and venereal diseases and should be indulge in hospital infection surveillance program. In medicine, there are terms commonly used to describe medical and surgical asepsis, sterilization and disinfection. We will write a custom essay sample on Medical Asepsis specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Medical Asepsis specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Medical Asepsis specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Asepsis is generally divided into two types: medical asepsis and surgical asepsis. Medical asepsis is used continuously both within and outside health agencies because it is assumed that pathogens are likely to be present even if the exact kind is unknown. For example, public drinking cups are unsanitary because pathogens may be present on the cup after being used by someone who is possibly harboring pathogens. Occasionally, a specific pathogen is known to be present. For example, laboratory analysis indicates that a burn has become infected with Staphylococcus aureus. You can find out more Aseptic techniques   In this case, isolation techniques, which are forms of medical asepsis, are used to prevent further spread of the organisms. Surgical asepsis involves handling objects and areas that must be kept sterile. For example, the needle used for an injection is handled in asepsis so that it is sterile when inserted into a patient. A sterile forceps is used to handle sterile dressings to protect them from contamination. Surgical asepsis is used extensively in operating and delivery rooms by nurses and other health personnel have to protect the patient from microorganisms. In observing medical asepsis, areas are considered contaminated if they bear, or are suspected of bearing pathogens, areas are considered contaminated if touched by any object that is not sterile. One of the most important aspects of surgical and medical asepsis is that the effectiveness of both depends on the faithfulness and the conscientiousness of those carrying them out. Failure to be exact and meticulous cannot be detected in many instances. Objects like a drinking glass, a comb, or a syringe and needle could be cleaned apparently or not disinfected or sterilized, and no one except the person responsible would know. We have common practices of medical asepsis in public facilities like, the use of paper towels in rest rooms it is important, to observe toilet manners in aseptic way, the examination of food handlers for evidence of disease and the enforcement of frequent hand washing by food handlers because some of the pathogenic microorganisms came from the feces of a human being especially for those who are handlers of raw and cooked foods some microbes are easily acquired by human through ingestion. The use of individually wrapped drinking straws for drinking and, the use of tongs to lift food from common service trays in cafeterias, the use of sterilized combs and brushes in barber and beauty shops Nearly every nursing activity includes practices of medical asepsis. The following are specific measure that incorporates in medical asepsis and every nurse should adapt these as her role in the implementation of the standard type of asepsis. A nurse should always wash her hands frequently but especially before handling foods, before eating, after using a handkerchief, after going to the toilet, and before and after each patient contact. She/he should keep soiled items and equipment from touching the clothing. Carry soiled linens or other used articles so that they do not touch the uniform. When she is stooping or bending, she should not allow her uniform to touch the floor, which is disgustingly contaminated. She should dispose soiled or used items directly into appropriate containers. Wrap items that are moist from body discharge in waterproof containers such as plastic bags, before discarding into the refuse holder so that handlers will not come into contact with them. She should avoid having patients cough, sneeze, or breathe directly on others. Provide them with disposable tissues, and instruct them, as indicated, to cover the patient’s mouth and nose when close contact is necessary, such as during examination. The nurse should always move equipment away their body when brushing, dusting, or scrubbing particles. Because this helps prevent contaminated particles from setting on the hair, face and uniform. When cleaning a nurse should avoid raising dust, and instead use a dampened cloth. She should not sake linens for the reason that dust and lint particles serves as a vehicle by which organisms may be transported from one area to another. Upon cleaning she should clean the least soiled areas first and then the more soiled ones. In this way the cleaner area is avoided to be soiled by the dirtier area. When pouring liquids that are to be discarded, such as bath water, mouth rinse, and the like, it should be pour directly into the drain so as t5o avoid splattering in the sink and into their body. All items that are suspected of containing pathogens should be sterilized properly following the correct process of sterilization the follows aseptic technique. Lastly, as a nurse and health practitioner personal grooming is a must to help prevent spreading microorganisms. The basis of right grooming like shampooing the air regularly, keeping it short or pinned, there are always possibility of carrying microorganisms on hair shafts, keeping the fingernails short and free of broken cuticles and ragged nail edges, avoiding wearing rings with groves and stones that may harbor microorganisms. Conclusion Teaching and supportive measures are probably the two biggest contributions the nurse can make during the period she stays inside the medical premises and take good care of her patient’s. She is responsible of informing the patient and its family to have the accurate understanding of the pertinent epidemiologic facts of the situation ad how to carry out the specific situations. Work Cited Potter, P. A. , Perry A. G. (2004) Fundamentals of Nursing. 6th edition. Elsevier Mosby Publishing. Potter, (2004). Fundamentals of Nursing. Elsevier Health Sciences Division.